
The legend of the Chestnuts

Marroni from Mugello

Marroni from Mugello

Marroni from Mugello

What I love the most about Autumn in Tuscany are chestnuts, a typical product of different areas such as Mugello, Maremma, Casentino and Lunigiana.

Chestnuts have always played an important role in our culture and local business, as well as in our traditional cuisine for preparing castagnaccio, polenta (mush) and other delicious plates. I’ll soon prepare some of these recipes and then post the recipe for you!



I want to tell you a nice legend about chestnuts. Legend has it that originally chestnuts didn’t have the husk and were hanging on trees like apples. One day three small chestnuts decided to ask the old and wise chestnut tree how they can be saved from the winter coming.

The old chestnut tree suggested them to ask hedgehogs. And the hedgehogs decided to give to the three chestnuts the shaggy fur of their dead friends, so that the chestnuts could be warm for the winter. Since then chestnuts have the husk and don’t feel cold!

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