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tuscany recipes

  • Florence crepe suzette
    Foodie Tuscany Recipes

    Florentine Crepe Suzette

    The crepe suzette are a famous French dessert that consists of a crepe with a sauce of caramelized sugar and butter and orange juice. But what you have to know that…

  • The Onion of Certaldo

    Onions’ Jam from Certaldo

    The onions’ jam is a typical recipe from Certalto, a Medieval village between Florence and Siena, that gave birth to famous Italian writer Boccacio. The onions from Certaldo is so important…

  • Schiacciato all'olio
    Foodie Tuscany Recipes

    Schiacciata all’olio

    Today I prepared the schiacciata all’oliofor my son and I decided to share with you my recipe to prepare it. The schiacciata is a typical bread in Tuscany that you can…

  • Foodie Tuscany Recipes

    Frittatine Trippate

    Today we had some friends for lunch and I decided to cook something special. And since on Saturday we generally eat eggs, I decide to prepare something with eggs, of course.…