Foodie Tuscany Recipes




Chestnuts are a typical product of Autumn in Tuscany and are the base for several typical recipes. In the ancient times chestnuts were called “bread of the poor”, because they were very used and easy to have.

Last night I prepared the castgnaccio, a typical cake made of chestnuts’ flour, pine nuts and raisins. So let’s have a look at the recipe.


250 gr of chestnuts’ flour
2 glasses of milk
1 spoon of sugar
1 spoon of olive oil
100 gr raisins
50 gr of pine nuts


Turn on the oven at 160° and put the raisins into water. Get a large bowl and mix the flour with milk, olive oil and sugar. You should obtain a smooth and liquid mixture, so if the milk isn’t enough add some more. Dry the raisins and add them to the mixture.

Then put some oil into a pan (about 20x30cm) and pour in the mixture that should be about 1cm tall. Add the rosemary and the pine nuts on the top and bake it for about 10 minutes. The castagnaccio is ready when it colors bronze and it starts cracking.

let me know how it is. Buon appettito!

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