It’s time for the grape harvest in Tuscany and it’s also time to prepare the traditional schiacciata con l’uva, a sweet bread with black grape. I love to bake this special cake because it’s something that my grandma used to prepare for me when I was a child. I use both black and white grape, and also fresh figs. Here my personal recipe coming from grandma’s book.
700 gr of black grape – better if it is fox grape – sometimes I use also white grape or figs
400 gr of bread-flour
25 gr of brewer’s yeast
200 gr of white sugar
200 gr of warm water
extra virgin olive oil
Let’s make this schiacciata!
You should prepare the classic dough for bread or pizza, so add flour, yeast, sugar, water and mix them all. Then knead by hand for about 5 minutes; you need to make a smooth ball of bread-dough. Leave to rest for about 2-3 hours.
After this time divide the dough into 2 parts: take the first part and put it onto a baking tray, better if rectangular. The dough should be about 1 cm high; now cover with half of the grape and dust with white sugar. Cover with the rest of the dough, put all the grape and some more sugar on top of it. Bake for about 45° minutes at 180°C. The color should turn into brownish.
Below the pictures I’ve taken about the process of making schiacciata con l’uva at Forno Conti in Mugello. Giuliano has been making it for over 40 years and you can tell his passion through his hands.
Are you ready to bake?
Grape Harvest in Chianti:What’s Tuscany Harvest Like – TooMuchTuscany
September 26, 2016 at 11:36 am[…] time in Tuscany. It’s that special time of the year when wine is made once again and you eat schiacciata con l’uva! I used to experience harvest with my family when I was a toddler and I have great memories of this […]
24 Culinary Things to Do in Florence:What and Where to eat in Florence – TooMuchTuscany
March 30, 2017 at 9:40 am[…] Schiacciata con l’uva – typical cake to celebrate the grape harvest made of bread’s dough and black grape. The best place is Panificio Chicco di grano inside the […]